Analysis of the performance characteristics of powder quantitative packaging machine

by:Smartweigh Pack 2021-05-25
Powder packaging machines are widely used in quantitative packaging of food, medicine, additives, chemicals, starch, pesticides, feed, powdered and semi-fluid materials, and the importance of production and application is self-evident. The quantitative packaging system for powder materials is more difficult to implement than other quantitative weighing systems for granular materials. This is determined by the physical and chemical properties of the powdery materials. Especially powder materials have large changes in density and poor stability. Some powder materials have moisture absorption, easy bonding of materials, and poor fluidity, which will affect the measurement accuracy of the quantitative weighing system. Powder products are easy to produce dust and pollute the working environment, and the working environment of workers is not good. Therefore, the quantification of powder materials must take their properties into consideration, and targeted solutions must be made according to their characteristics in the process of delivery, measurement and packaging.

1: Accuracy adjustment adaptive technology

简单地说,根据不同的包装aterials and packaging specifications of customers, the measurement accuracy can be set accordingly to meet the production needs of the enterprise. According to the actual situation, the realization method can be divided into measures such as replacing the blanking screw of different calibers, multi-logic calculation of the program-controlled software, improvement of sensor sensitivity, and diversified adjustment of metering methods to improve the material compatibility of the powder packaging machine.

2: Density change detection technology

The density detection change technology is also specially developed by Jiawei Packaging Machinery based on customer site data. It is mainly aimed at some powder materials with large fluctuations in density. Materials are packaged with traditional powder packaging machines, which are prone to insufficient measurement accuracy. In response to this situation, an intelligent adaptation technology for material changes has been developed, which can monitor the change of material density coefficient in real time, and adjust the blanking at any time according to the change of material density. The variable parameters, realize the weighing and packaging of the powder quantitative packaging machine.

3: Anti-dust explosion technology

The realization of this technology is mainly to meet the special working environment of some customers. Our packaging equipment has realized the dust-proof and explosion-proof function from the bottom of the design. To stop running and dripping, we use more advanced intelligent program control technology to replace the traditional control system, avoiding the shortcomings of traditional systems that will produce arcs, eliminating dust environments, eliminating the danger of arc detonation, and maximizing the safety of packaging machinery. reliability.

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