الصفحة الرئيسية > مركز المعلومات > منتجات الصيانة >كيفية حل مشكلة الدقة من multihead weigher

كيفية حل مشكلة الدقة من multihead weigher


The first step is to enter the manual test page of multihead weigher, and test the weigh hopper one by one to see whether the weigh hopper can open and close the door normally, and notice the sound of opening and closing door is normal or not .

Set Zero on the main page, and choose all hopper, let the weigh hopper run three times continually, then come to the Read load Cell Page, observe which hopper can’t return to zero. If which hopper can’t return to zero, which means this hopper’s installation is abnormal, or the load cell is broken, or the modular is broken. At the same time, observe whether there is a large number of communication errors in the module of the monitoring page.

If some hopper’s door opening/closing is abnormal, check whether the weigh hopper’s installation is correct or not . If yes, need install it again.

If all hopper can open/close the door correctly, the next step is to take down all the weigh hopper to see whether there are material on the weigh hopper’s hanging spare parts.

Ensure that there is no material clutter on each weigh hoppers spare parts, then make the calibration of all weigh hopper.

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