

    由:Smartweigh包 2020-05-11
    故障原因消除方法1,包装材料具有联合包装材料拉伸,突破毛刺太大。2,进料电机线故障或线路接​​触不受欢迎。3,进料接近开关损坏。1,取出不合格的纸张部分。2,造纸线维护。3,更换馈电接近开关。袋密封衬里不均匀的1,包装材料。2,密封压力不均匀。3,密封温度低。1,取出不合格的包装材料。 2, adjust the sealing pressure. 3, improve the heat sealing temperature. Sealed against 1, heat sealing machine body position is wrong. 1, to adjust the heat sealing device body position. Bags cut constantly or local cutting 1, cutter location adjustment on the bag is not appropriate. 2, the cutter blade dull. 1, adjust the cutter location. 2, grinding or replace the heat sealing device of the blade body doesn't heat up 1, heating pipe damage. 2, line fault. 3, insurance tube is broken. 1, replace the heating pipe. 2, check the line. 3, replacement insurance tube. Heat sealing machine body 1, thermocouple temperature control circuit. 2, the temperature control meter damage. 1, the change of thermocouple. 2, change of temperature control meter. Feeding motor does not turn or turn up 1, feeding control rod stuck. 2, feeding proximity switch is damaged. 3, start, damage of capacitance. 4, insurance tube broken, or the power supply board failure. 1, solve the jam. 2, replacement feeding proximity switch. 3, change start capacitance. 4, replacement insurance tube, and check the power supply board, troubleshooting. Color calibration doesn't work 1, bag length setting doesn't fit, usually conditions as actual bag length less than colour standard length. 2, smooth roller decorative pattern, increase with the decrease of 1, friction bag length setting, the actual bag length slightly bigger than the standard color mark length. 2, change the wheel. Don't pull bags ( Don't pull bags motor running) 1, line fault. 2, pull bags proximity switch is damaged or pull bags transmission CAM distance. 3, control board failure. 4, stepping motor drive failure. 1, check the line, troubleshooting. 2, in pull bags proximity switch or adjust the bag - CAM distance. 3, change control board. 4, replace the stepping motor drives. Bags always stuck in the knife above 1, pull bags of timing advance. 2, block on the bag plate position is wrong. 1, readjust the pull bags of time. 2, adjust the block on the bag plate location. Liquid包装机重量不稳定,没有填充材料1并堵塞手柄松动。2,大量的变化。3,管道堵塞;4,公鸡公鸡摇臂不正确1,紧固螺丝位置。2,材料水平控制。3,挖泥管,4,修改公鸡的位置。灌装机1,填充不恰当的接近开关的位置不起作用;控制面板。糟糕的1 2,驱动器,灌装机,调整接近开关位置,其变速器;改变控制板。 2, change drivers or motor.
    的专家工程师智能称重包aging Machinery Co., Ltd .始终以最高的精度发展,以便在生产过程中满足所有的质量标准。我们期待成为客户信赖的供应商。请访问我们的智能称重包装机。
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